Conditions & Treatments

Specialized Treatments

We believe in an evidence-based approach to physical therapy. We use technologies and treatment methods that consistently provide positive outcomes for our patients. The following modalities, combined with our expertise and customized treatment plans, optimize performance and help prevent re-injury.

image of a person's arm being treated by a provider using a massage tool

Certified ASTYM Provider

A Certified Astym (a stimulation of the body's healing response) provider is a healthcare professional who has completed training and certification in the Astym therapy method. This method involves using specialized instruments to gently manipulate soft tissue and stimulate the body's natural healing process.

The goal of Astym therapy is to identify and treat the underlying cause of the soft tissue dysfunction, rather than just addressing the symptoms. Certified Astym providers use a combination of manual therapy techniques, patient education, and rehabilitation exercises to help patients achieve optimal healing of soft tissues.

Astym is very effective in treating scar tissue. Manipulating scar tissue using Astym results in significant improvements in joint motion, scar appearance and mobility.

closeup of a provider using a laser tool to treat a patients low back

Therapeutic Laser Treatment

Therapeutic laser treatment (light therapy) is a very effective modality used to reduce swelling, pain and stimulate the healing process. Light energy stimulates increased circulation, reduces pain, decreases swelling and accelerates cellular metabolism resulting in tissue healing.

We use the LiteCure Class 4 Laser System. This system provides a significant increase in light energy and depth of penetration compared to less powerful light therapy units which allows faster and accelerated healing, often eliminating the need for further medical treatment.

a provider applying a therapy technique to a patient's low back as the patient lies on their stomach on a treatment table

McKenzie Method For Neck & Back

Our clinicians are experts in the evaluation and treatment of neck and back pain. We utilize the McKenzie Method for the management of neck and back pain. It is based on the principles of mechanical diagnosis and therapy (MDT), which is a systematic, evidence-based approach to assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.

Dry Needling

Though the name may sound a little ominous, “dry needling” is a very effective form of therapy that is growing in popularity and usage. Dry needling is a treatment performed by skilled, trained physical therapists, certified in the procedure.

Dry needling is a technique used to treat dysfunction of skeletal muscle and connective tissue, minimize pain, and improve or regulate structural or functional damage. It involves the use of needles to stimulate and break up knotted or hard muscle tissue – called “trigger points” – usually located deep in muscle tissue.

a provider holding a patient's knee as they sit upright on a treatment table

Your Partner in Recovery

Our therapists are trained to treat a variety of conditions. As professionals of physical therapy, our trained staff is able to accurately assess and treat your symptoms throughout the recovery process. We communicate regularly with your physician or surgeon to ensure a full understanding of your specific condition. We pride ourselves in providing a positive environment for your healing journey.

Surgical Support

We work closely with each patient's healthcare team, including the surgeon, to develop a comprehensive preoperative and post-operative treatment plan that will achieve the very best patient outcome.

With appropriate preoperative and postoperative treatment, patients can expect a smoother recovery, improved outcomes, and a faster return to their normal activities.


We treat all shoulder conditions, including rotator cuff injury, tendonitis, labrum dysfunction, and shoulder instability.

Hand, Wrist & Elbow

We treat carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, sprains, strains, and conditions following immobilization to name a few.

Athletic Injury

We can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, whether you are a competitive athlete or a weekend warrior. Physical therapists at Spine & Sport Physical Therapy specialize in sports physical therapy and help athletes experiencing pain get back into their sport, and provide education and training to help prevent re-injury.


We treat all knee conditions, including ACL reconstructions, meniscus tears, patellofemoral dysfunction, and knee and knee joint replacements.

Foot & Ankle

We treat all foot and ankle conditions, including ankle sprains, tendonitis, instability, balance and proprioception disorders, and plantar fasciitis.


We treat all hip conditions, including labrum damage, bursitis, and joint replacement.

Back & Neck

Our clinicians are experts in the evaluation and treatment of neck and back pain. We utilize the McKenzie Method for the management of neck and back pain. It is based on the principles of mechanical diagnosis and therapy (MDT), which is a systematic, evidence-based approach to assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.


Physical Therapy can help you determine the cause of your headaches, help decrease your pain, and improve mobility.

Gait Analysis

We are experts at evaluating proper gait patterns and treating underlying causes of dysfunction.

Balance Disorders

Our clinicians are highly trained at evaluating the root cause of balance dysfunction and developing a customized treatment plan to alleviate symptoms.